Key Verse
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
Text —Matthew 24:36-44
There was a pool in Israel which had a reputation for healing whichever sick person was the first to jump in when an angel came to stir the water. The event happened without any announcement and at long intervals of time. One can imagine the keen attention and fixed gaze of the sick people gathered at the pool. They had to be ever ready. This illustrates the level of readiness required of those who expect to partake in the rapture.
The rapture is the catching up of faithful followers of Christ to heaven. It is the first in the series of events that would signify the end of the world. Bible prophecies indicate that the rapture will be sudden, swift, and selective; it can take place any moment now. Only those whose sins have been forgiven by grace, who have had their hearts washed in the blood of Jesus through faith, shall partake in it. All who miss the rapture shall be left to face the catastrophic wrath of the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation. Be holy – that is your greatest preparation.
The rapture will be sudden, swift, and selective
Wash in the blood and watch out for the Lord.
Prayer for today